Tuesday 20 February 2007

laziness regarding pictures! too lazy to turn the image around! so here it is again: the painting of the tree and stones, the tree can be found near Walkworth castle, a loveloy old tree with beautiful bark and a massive scar near the bottom and with a great twist as it reaches for the sky.

I can't remember where the stones were but I know for the black pebble painting I went to South Shields to the beach on a pebble finding mission to clooect black pebbles to paint, I went on another occasion to collect white ones and I will include this painting later; I like it!

Monday 19 February 2007

why am I not an artist? I suppose one of the apects of the question is about identity: just because I do something is that my defining activity? I am a father, a husband, a christian, a man (a ginger man at that) I used to play guitar (still do but only in my head): do I want to define myself as an artist-' I am an artist'? and anyway, what am I talking about?here's some more art

Sunday 18 February 2007

i am not an artist

why not? I draw;I paint but somehow the phrase ' am not an artist'seems to ring, if not completely true, then somehow in tune with my sense of what I am and am not, perhaps its old fasioned lack of confidence or perhaps the feeling that to be an artist one has to be completely consumed and while I draw and paint a fair bit, it doesn't consume me.

Anyway, since leaving university, an art degree which was a bit disapointing, I have felt a bit alone in my art, never connecting with like minded people with whome to share my efforts so I thought I'd give this a try.

Here is something I've done recently; its not necessarily finished and it is on its side! but If there is anyone out there who would care to comment be my guest!